Tuesday, February 4, 2014

In Putin's Russia, Games Play You

I'm not much for watching sports in general for whatever reason, but I am a known watcher of clusterfuckery, and of that, Sochi thus far promises to be chock-full. I get it, of course, that Russia basically had to create a humongous infrastructure to accommodate games of an Olympic scale, but the missing bits are pretty surprising--and things like missing manholes covers are outright hazardous (ditto "dangerous face water").

It makes you think--how sad would it be for an athlete to train and work hard to make it to the Olympic Games, and then wipe out on a bit of sidewalk that terminated abruptly or get dropped by a broken elevator?  Woof, what a mess.


upyernoz said...

The missing manhole cover brings back memories for me! I think that is a problem throughout the former Soviet Union as metal scavengers pried them off the streets at some point during the post-USSR economic collapse. When I lived in small town Kazakhstan, I quickly memorized where all the missing manholes were in the streets surrounding our place. One time we got a big snow storm which covered up all the holes. I was really glad that I knew where to avoid walking!

Vixen Strangely said...

At the rate things are going there, I think it's probably a game of "musical manhole covers"--who can keep track?

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