Monday, October 22, 2012

Madeleine Albright: Mitt Romney "Not ready for Prime Time"

This is a very appropriate lead-in* to tonight's presidential foreign policy debate:

I'm still as disgusted at Romney's behavior over Libya as I was when it became obvious (as in, right away) that he was going to make political hay out of it.  But then, there is always room for me to feel just a little more contempt: 

Appearing on ABC’s The View this past Thursday, Ann Romney claimed that her husband, as governor of Massachusetts, “went to every funeral” of fallen soldiers from the Commonwealth. She spoke of the difficult role he had “to comfort those that have lost a loved one and have gone in harm’s way. 
But Mitt Romney did not attend every soldier’s funeral; there were at least two cases where he did not. 
And in one of those cases, a Gold Star mother claims that, far from comforting, Romney left insensitive phone messages – messages that she calls “bullying” and her husband describes as “abusive." 
“I can’t believe you haven’t returned my call,” Romney said on one of the voice mail messages, according to Stephany Kern, speaking at her Westerly, Rhode Island home this past Saturday. “Here I am making a second call; I haven’t heard from you.” 
Kern did not save the messages. This is the first time she has spoken publicly about them.

She didn't need to keep those messages for me to feel comfortable believing what she relates.  That's the guy who referred to our servicemen and women as if they were items on a "laundry list".   This is the candidate who would be horrible for veterans, soldiers, and their families. 

Not ready for prime time? Not ready this time or any time.

*As always, I'll be keeping up with the lively snark at Rumproast's Live-Blog of the event.

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