Friday, July 20, 2012

Know Your Class War: You Might be Some Kind of 1%-er

Half Of American Households Hold 1 Percent Of Wealth

That's what it says. Or to cite another mind-blowing thing, just look at the Walton family, and they have wealth = to 41% of lower class Americans. 

Now, the founder of Walmart is long deceased, so we're talking about his heirs and assigns, who didn't do much more to get their fortunes but fail to be disowned. 

So, the next time someone lays a rap on you about how big a percentage of the total tax debt gets paid by rich people--just keep in mind that they retain a larger share of the wealth than they ever did. And after tax, they still have an awful lot to roll around in, because naturally, they have more money post necessary expenses, dig?

And if you look at the example of Mitt Romney, they have access to investment vehicles you wouldn't even think of for making passive income.   That is to say, even when you're working for all your money, guys like Romney can be sitting on their ass and their money is working for them. 

So, cheers. you might be some kind of 1%-er.  

You know--you people.

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

So, the next time someone lays a rap on you about how big a percentage of the total tax debt gets paid by rich people--just keep in mind that they retain a larger share of the wealth than they ever did.

They also consume a vastly greater amount of public resources than John Q. Public ever does. Libertarians are failed capitalists, real capitalists don't really want to shrink government, because they're sucking on the teat- they just want to shrink government's regulatory functions.

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