Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gingrich Calls on President to Repudiate Math and Alienate his Base

Perennial bloviator and pretend-serious GOP Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich says funny things. I can never tell if he means for them to be funny, or if he knows how transparently shit-stirring they appear to people who bother to, you know, know stuff about politics. But anyway, he came up with a humdinger just a couple hours ago where he called on President Obama to repudiate (there's a nice $.50 word, right there) the idea of the 99%. Because....blahblahblah.

That's not just rich, that's cream-centered, frosted and served with a side order of Crisco. Of course the 99% is a real thing (although Newt might tend to discount those figures, coming as they do from what he calls  a socialist organization). People may not have historically thought of there being a 99%--but the idea represented by widening income inequality and the different set of rules for rich and not-so-rich people are an old story, and pretty well-documented at that. It's not really all that divisive, it's just the math. Also, why would President Obama repudiate the idea the the wealthy have to pay their fair share, or that the economy has been hard on working people who have already sacrificed?  That would be repudiating the best message he could make.

The job creators nonsense is the best punch-line for Gingrich's unfunny joke, though--if they are such job creators: where's the jobs? People don't hire workers out of the goodness of their dear little hearts.  Consumer demand drives job-creation--and where, oh where, would you look for consumers?

The 99% percent.  Because more people need more everything.

There are days I'd rather just meditate on how much I hate Newt Gingrich than do anything else.

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