Friday, November 25, 2011

Sam Brownback has heard of the Internet, now. Fancy that.

Yet another thing the matter with Kansas:

During the session, in which Brownback addressed the group, Sullivan posted on her personal Twitter page:

“Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot”

On Tuesday, Sullivan was called to her principal’s office and told that the tweet had been flagged by someone on Brownback’s staff and reported to organizers of the Youth in Government program.

The principal “laid into me about how this was unacceptable and an embarrassment,” Sullivan said. “He said I had created this huge controversy and everyone was up in arms about it … and now he had to do damage control.

Emma Sullivan is a high school student. Sam Brownback is a governor. She has had about 60 followers on Twitter. He is a public figure.

They thought there was a huge controversy before?

It's silly enough that he has someone on his staff doing Internet-duty over his reputation--good luck with that! But that his feewings were hurted over an 18-year-old's Tweet is just sad. Drawing attention to it this way though?

Priceless. And of course, no poliblogger in the world would be interested in a story about an underdog, a Tweet, the 1st Amendment, and the former-Senator-turned-Governor who once mawkishly used a 7 year-old's drawing of an embryo in a floor battle regarding stem cell research, or just recently banned flags with flagpoles from an LGBT* equality rally. We'd never use this opportunity to count the ways Brownback sort of, well, sucks.

Of course not. Nipped it in the bud, he did.  Well-played, sir!

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Ashes, Ashes

  There's a Tweet going around about the above two that one knows he's going to hell and the other doesn't, but that isn't i...