Friday, November 4, 2011

Inequality: A Handy and Depressing Collection of Charts

I find I understand economic things so much better when I see charts, so I started searching for some charts about income inequality and collected a handful of links to some pretty sobering stuff. So if anybody feels like getting steamed or needs a nifty resource to show somebody exactly what you're steamed about, here's some links:

How Income Inequality Skyrocketed and the 1% Profited from the Decline of Unions.

The 99 Percent: "Occupy Wall Street" gets a boost from a new report on income distribution

This is how Income Inequality Destroys Societies

Mother Jones;  It's the Inequality, Stupid

And this one really shows how workers are being shafted:

Overworked America: 12 Charts That will Make Your Blood Boil

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