Friday, April 23, 2010

Okay Arizona, I'm not feeling any of this--

These two videos are are what I've heard about re: racism immigration and racism birtherism in recent AZ legislation. I don't want to think these are representative of the state, and prefer to believe that there is just some peculiar chemical wrecking the heads of your elected officials.

I'll start with Anderson Cooper straight-up calling out a birther (Rep. Cecil Ash):

Okay, that guy is just an idiot who likes to talk about how there are questions "out there" when he's full of crap.

But this guy--

Rep. Brian Bilbray indicates that police can demand "papers" from immigrants because you can tell them from their shoes and behavior:

Behavior like wanting to avoid contact with authorities now that it's become legal to get hassled by them? Hmm. Or like what?

I don't think either law was especially well thought-out, to put it mildly.

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