Friday, April 23, 2010

Pentagon rescinds Franklin Graham's invitation, Obama Administration loves Prayer Day

Via USA Today:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Evangelist Franklin Graham's invitation to speak at a Pentagon prayer service has been rescinded because his comments about Islam were inappropriate, the Army said Thursday.
Graham, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, in 2001 described Islam as evil. More recently, he has said he finds Islam offensive and wants Muslims to know that Jesus Christ died for their sins.

Army spokesman Col. Tom Collins said Graham's remarks were "not appropriate."

"We're an all-inclusive military," Collins said. "We honor all faiths. ... Our message to our service and civilian work force is about the need for diversity and appreciation of all faiths."

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation had raised the objection to Graham's appearance, citing his past remarks about Islam.

Of interest to me as a non-believer, the piece goes on to say,"The Obama administration said Thursday it would appeal," the court's decision that National Prayer Day was unconstitutional regarding pressure from (conservative) religious-based groups.

Hrmph. I do not approve. But they don't ask me, did you notice?

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