Saturday, April 24, 2010

John Hagee doesn't disappoint--blames volcano on British Tourism Adverts.

Wow. This is what a real evangelical has to say about the Iceland volcano:

Television and radio evangelist Pastor John Hagee believes the recent eruption of the volcano in Iceland stems from Britain breaking God's covenant.

The day after Britain's Advertising Standards Authority said the Western Wall in Jerusalem could not be used in Israeli tourism ads in Britain because it is considered occupied territory, Hagee said, the volcano erupted, shutting down Britain's economy in one day.

"That's coincidence, like the flood was a coincidence. That's coincidence, like the Red Sea was coincidence. That's coincidence, like the earthquake and the Resurrection was coincidence," Hagee told about 3,200 people at Lancaster County Convention Center on Thursday night as part of John Hagee Ministries' Rally and Prophecy Seminar.

I know, I know. If God's eye is on the sparrow, surely it's on the Advertising Standards Authority and their, you know, really, um, politically correct way of doing business--which is so a volcano-inducing affront to the Lord so stop chuckling!

Now, the Flood he's referring to appears to be the biblical one, which isn't exactly documented, nor is the "Red Sea" (which I take to mean, "the parting thereof" from the classic Cecil B. DeMille joint, The Ten Commandments). But we can absolutely verify that first the Advertising Standards Authority made its decision (wrapping it in the bureaucratic term of things like "truthfulness", not actually admitting that they were shutting down the adverts solely to split the land of the Chosen--because you know how bureaucracies are!) and then the ash plume appeared over Eyjafjallajokull smited the commerce of Britain sorely. QED, as godless mathematicians might say....

Well, actually, there was seismic activity in the area before-hand. As in during 2009. When the adjudication of the ASA on the matter seems to have taken place in early April of this year. And the eruption itself really took place in late March. But the ash cloud (even if mockers might claim that ash is totally what you'd eventually expect from so much burning material)....

Totally the work of God. As in what the hell but belief in God or just sheer stupidity makes people state this kind of nonsense?

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