Monday, March 3, 2008

Consumerism and Yours Truly--Comics & Cosmetics

Okay--you know me, I like *stuff*. So I feel obliged at times to post if I have some cool stuff to post about. So there's one thing I'm going to post about in anticipation of a review, and one review I'm going to post because, well, it's a neat product. And one product is cool--but not great.

So, number one--I broke down and got the two-DVD Justice League--The New Frontier. It looks so cool I just had to check it out. As I explained to my husband, I am still very much an adolescent with a big-old crush on superheroes--although I did not read the graphic novels, I suspect I'll like the feature. I will post about it.

The other thing I have to admit about my buying is--I am constantly trying to win the war against ashiness. Oh, yes. I get dry. In winter, the fabled humidity of Philadelphiia is niente. Even if it rains, even if it snows, because of the bitter cold, my fair and tender hide gets chapped. So I try to hydrate. I intend to moisturize. But eventually, I get right irritated (genuinely--I itch! Is that not irritation?) And I require balm from Gilead.

Or something like that (Apothecary, give me grease!). My latest skin pleasers are the following--Desert Essence Love Massage & Body Oil and Alba Terra Tints. Here's the packaging pics:

The Desert Essence Massage Oil has the awesomely sensual combination of Tangerine, Patchouli, and Nutmeg essential oils, and enjoys Safflower, Almond, Canola, and Jojoba for a base. The effect is gentle--the scent does not overwhelm--one might expect a hippy-herby, too much patchouliness, but the tangerine is really the top-note, and for texture, the oil is on the dry side--not too greasy, it soaks in and moisturizes a treat. The scent is pleasant, but does not linger or interfere with perfume. The moisturizing is the key--dry skin feels less tight--my sensitive, dry little skin cells drank this oil down without feeling "lubed" or greasy. As a massage oil, the original intent, I give this a thumbs up because my hubby thought the smell was "strong enough for a man" and the texture was, again, not too greasy (a really greasy massage oil is no friend to body hair--which my fella does have in abundance.) I like straight-up oils myself over body lotions, because they are usually chock full of "water" "cetearyl alcohol", and other ingredients which aren't directly related to making my dry old hide feel lubed. (I know--some alcohols are related to penetration of the skin--but if there isn't a good amount of fat, I feel I'm not getting my "smooth on.")

As for the Alba Terra Tints, do not mistake this lip balm for a lipstick. This product is not really like Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers, a product you might be a little more familiar with--the Burt's Bees Balms really do have a tint, and really do have a scent of mintiness. For personal preference, I like the Burt's Bees Shimmers for make-up's sake--they come in a terrific range of colors and are quite moisturizing. The Alba Terra Balm in Garnet was disapointing as a tinted balm, as it imparted little pigment. But, I will say I think it does at least as fine a job at moisturizing the lips as the Burt's Bees, and the scent is much less minty. It's actually so much less minty, I think it may be better for people who find peppermint oil irritating. (This is not a problem of mine, but I'm extrapolating.) The little bit of pigment it gives, though, may be better for people who like a very natural look. As a lip balm afficcianada--I give the Alba Balm props for being a good natural product that feels good on the lips--not greasy, and because it has a light feel, look and scent, is not offensive.

I know anyone who feels a little dry and itchy this time of year

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