Saturday, June 8, 2024

TWGB: Live By the Fake News...


TrumpWorld loves the idea of Fake News. They wanted to make the events of 1/6 about antifa, who weren't even there, after all. So why not try to invalidate Trump's very real guilty verdict on 34 charges with the word of a "shitposter"?

My God. How much has Trump himself benefitted from fake news and shitposting?  Is a rando keyboard wiseass going to be the reason Trump isn't seriously convicted with some white collar crime for laundering his hush money through his business to benefit his 2016 election and so on?

Judge Merchan is pro-actively addressing this particular arcane form of internet fuckery, I feel like this is about nipping the stupidity in the bud. After all, the convictions make a lot of sense to people who aren't idiot-pilled: there are two things in life Trump loves, and they are adultery and white-collar crime. Eventually, they were going to collide and blast Trump right in his orange-painted face. 

Whether Trump is the supposed "leader" of the Republican party or the frontrunner of the 2024 election doesn't matter--did he do crimes? I mean--how does the justice system work? Are we all brand-new to this country? What if, all privilege set aside, Trump was just guilty as fuck based on the evidence of things he did? Is running for higher office supposed to be a "Get out of Jail Free" card?  If he incidentally also, too is the leader of the Republican Party--

This is their dumb luck for having him. Maybe they can stop being stupid as hell for a fucking minute. Because he has been a racist, misogynist, bankrupt, stupid pile of shit for at least forty years. And only fake news, like the Celebrity Apprentice cover story of his life, makes him acceptable--ish. And other "celebrities" normalizing him? 


 How does this intro make you feel today?

I'm queasy as all hell. Popular culture sheep-dipped a racist sex pest with dictatorial aspirations. It feels like they had to have done it knowingly because how do you miss all that? 

Anyway, fake news shouldn't save Trump's orange Earl-Shibe used vehicle painted ass. And to the extent the pro-Trump memists want to depict criticisms like mine as "orange man bad"--he is orange and bad. Your point? 

So what of Epoch Times and Gateway Pundit and so on digital weirdos who love Trump enough to lie for him? 

Well, I don't wish anything GOOD, for them, obviously.

But will Trump stans learn how to not go haring off to believe Trump fake news? I don't know. They are cultists, and they want to believe. Even when the fuckery is obviously labelled "Here there be fuckery." 

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