Thursday, November 16, 2023

"If You Go Carrying Pictures of Chairman Mao...."


I get it, I think. There's a handful of them in every radical crowd. They're so hip, they're positively pelvic. If you're offended by their t-shirt, the problem is you, etc. And nonetheless, the young folks who have discovered Bin Laden's "Letter to America" are just so disappointing. I always hoped, somewhere out there, that, having grown up with the internet, some kind of extra media-savvy would rub off on them, and they would understand that there is propaganda, everywhere, and just because you've run into something "new to you" doesn't mean it's actually valid. That the youths would seek context.

This is called, me, being overly optimistic about human nature. Also, too, I know a bunch of elderly "leftists" who are likewise suckers for the same sort of thing. 

Bin Laden was a recruiter for terrorism against the US--he peddled horseshit pills for what ailed the world. Lots of bloody-minded assholes do that. It's not special. 

I'm not going to be the one who waves my fist and yells at the kids to get off my lawn or stop making human chains or whatever they do today, even if for the love of the revolution, please consider why you are getting dragged off of private property and whether blocking doors are a fire hazard. And also too, be aware cops will wreck your property and get physical at pretty much any leftist protest--it isn't personal. 

But for the love of fuck, please try not to make actual monsters your fucking mascots--is that TOO MUCH to ask? 

Finally--yes, movements can be discredited by malicious actors from within. There were bad actors embedded in Occupy and BLM, and they are already down in your pod.  Don't be hoodwinked and bamboozled babies. It's a jungle out there. 


Richard said...

They like the clothes. They like the turban and the beret. They are angry about the world. I am also angry, but it is hard to take them seriously.

After what we have been through, It is not easy to see these kids showing pictures of Chairman Mao and Che Guevara. I appreciate them and their enthusiasm.

Vixen Strangely said...

Yeah--it's a style choice for them, not a commitment to some kind of bloody insanity--they just aren't thinking through their choices. It's just like fashion victim photos: it will age so badly for them. I get it: they want to show they are concerned and I do love that for them. If they really care about what they are doing, though, they so seriously need to think it through.

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