Tuesday, October 17, 2023

TWGB: Gag Me With a Silver Spoon!


The thing to keep in mind from the above article:

 Much of the hearing was taken up by back-and-forths over which types of statements should be off-limits. Throughout, Lauro insisted that nothing Trump has said would constitute a threat to anyone. But the threat of violence has hung over this case and others. In August, a Texas woman was arrested for calling Chutkan’s office and leaving a voicemail allegedly saying that she would kill anyone who “went after Trump.”

“You are in our sights, we want to kill you,” the woman allegedly said. “Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly, b**** … You will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it.”

Some of Trump's little fan club are sad people who are all talk and just leave voice messages, but some of them, after being steeped in Trump's uniquely brazen rhetoric are capable of carrying out their violent threats. It was that way even before he lost his election

The gag order is limited to not witness tampering. He can still insult the judge. He can still campaign. Heck, he can even fundraise on having gotten a gag order so he can tell the world how SILENCED he's being. He can even lie and say that President Biden has something to do with his (very limited) gag order, as if the man has nothing better to do. 

Or as if that was the way courtrooms worked.

The man's mind swirls in a relentless tide of pure entitlement--how dare anyone ever tell him to shut up about something! I mean, take when he said just yesterday that his military people were the dumbest guys he'd ever met:

Not the sort of thing most presidential candidates would say, right? Of course, he's mad about General Milley and irked about General Kelly for having the audacity to tell on him. But remember, this was a guy who was "smarter than the generals" . The audacity of trying to be smarter than Trump! 

So, take it with a huge grain when Trump's spokesperson (trying to clean up Trump's dictation, most likey) describes the gag order as "an abomination". In some circles (maybe even the minds of his lawyers, whether they would say it aloud to Trump or not), it's quite a normal practice for a guy out on bail who won't shut up. 

Likelihood that he violates the order? Step up to the betting window, friends.  Clock is ticking.

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Ashes, Ashes

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