Wednesday, September 13, 2023

TWGB: They Want to Impeach Joe Biden?


Ok, you have questions: "How is the declaration of Speaker McCarthy (R: Gimp) a TrumpWorld Grab-Bag post?"

Oh gosh, I think it's because Trump told them to do it. Trump said, out loud and also in private, to the House GOP that they wanted to go on ahead and try to impeach Joe Biden because he got impeached, too, and wasn't that some kind of RIGGING? Which is funny as fuck, because the investigation that the House GOP are going to do into Joe Biden the year before the 2024 election is the exact same sham investigation that Trump extorted Ukraine President Zelenskyy for sparking his own first impeachment. And even some current GOP House members can kind of admit that.  (And sadly, Rep. Ken Buck, who is a Tea Party conservative in you'd think good standing, is likely to be looking at some Liz Cheney treatment for his honesty.) 

So, what do we know? Well, we know Kevin McCarthy's round and fuzzies just get passed between MTG and Trump and he unilaterally called the investigation because he belatedly realized he might have a hard time with the votes. And GOP centrists all sighed a sigh of relief because actually, this impeachment thing might be seen as a real partisan clusterfuck since they spent so much time decrying the "politicization of government."

And here they are. 

We know that the people carrying out the investigation will be James Comer, Jim Jordan and Jason Smith:

We know this is supposedly for the subpoena power to GET the docs that the House GOP has...already subpoenaed and mostly got? There's a lot of disingenuousness going down. And some of what we're hearing from the GOP we certainly have heard before.  It was crap in 2019, and still is

And let's be real: when someone like Rep. Scott Perry yells that you'd have to be blind to not see the evidence (that doesn't exist), I can't help but see someone who asked Trump for a pardon for some reason, and might be really keen to help Trump get back into office for some reason. It's like when the House GOP starts talking about defunding the FBI--why? Because they investigate crimes or something? That "party of law and order" label is getting to be a harder "sell", huh? 

They're going after Biden because he beat Trump once and can beat him again because he's just better and they're just bitter. But just to remind us of the ongoing theme of the TWGB, our friend in Moscow has endorsed Trump again, calling the various criminal and civil trials against him a sign of "rot" in the US. 

Well, he would say that, wouldn't he? A man with a date with the Hague or a tricky set of stairs in his future, who invaded a country that was far tougher and had far better allies than he suspected. 

How I look forward to the end of Trump and Putin both. This Biden impeachment will not work the way the GOP hopes it will. Just like they have alleged that the indictments have made Trump stronger--what do they think this attempt at Benghazi-ing or But Her emails-ing Biden will honestly do for Democratic sentiment? 

The impeachment decision seems very stupid to me (no wonder both MTG and Matt Gaetz want to take credit for forcing it). This sets it firmly in the orbit of TrumpWorld. 


Kwark said...

As has been the case for 50+ years, actual facts are anathema to the Republican party. Even more so than ever the Republicans are about dominating the "news" cycle with clownish antics and performance lying to keep the rubes stirred-up. If they can manage to distract or confuse enough other folks that they throw up their hands in disgust and give up, so much the better.

Vixen Strangely said...

The history of Republican dirty tricks, from Watergate, October Surprise, Whitewater investigation, Swiftboating, birtherism, Benghazi, But Her Emails, and Hunter Biden's daggone laptop are a reminder that they do not view Democrats as the opposing party, but more like an enemy. It's not just normal campaign stuff but disinfo and psyops--on the American people.

That's why 1/6 and the ongoing "civil war" talk are disturbing. It's not a cold war many of them want, anymore.

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