Monday, August 21, 2023

TWGB: The Apple of Putin's Eye


There might be some residual gasps in the collective politics-viewing audience at the idea that Trump doesn't want to do any debates but get over yourselves--Trump never did. I remember when he ran a weird veterans' charity telethon thingie that ultimately resulted in a settlement regarding his fake charity, just for the purpose of dodging a primary debate in 2016. (His kids were even sentenced to "how not to rip people off" school.) He never changes. And in his circumstances, why debate? How awkward would it get, after all, him with the two impeachments and four so far indictments and 91 charges? 

He of all people knows he has the right to remain silent. (But can he?)

So of course he has to give something in return to focus your weary eyes on himself, so he's sat with Fox News has-been Tucker Carlson for what will certainly not be just an hour or so of indulgent ball-stroking. I'm sure the taint will be involved. (Oh, my goodness! Was I scatalogically minimizing Carlson's professionalism? Fuck no. Everyone knows paying attention to the taint is essential good whoring practices.)

Where was I? Oh, anyway, Trump says the weirdest things in the friendliest of interviews--like when he just recently told us he was the apple of Putin's eye, and that's why he'd be able to finagle the deal to end the war in Ukraine. 

He sounds as fatuous as Vivek Ramaswamy, but with added "ick"--the "apple of one's eye" metaphor is usually used for parents and their beloved children. Does Trump see Vladdy as his Daddy? But isn't Trump and his political success in part a long-ish term Putin creation? See, here at Strangely Blogged, we say, you bet your ass, it has been. I mean, who could be more damaging to the body politic of a healthy democracy than a vengeful, ill-informed narcissist who loves himself and money, in about that order depending on the weather, and hates the truth all the time? A gilt-coated silver spoon dingus whose multiple bankruptcies have left him flush with the castings of intricately hidden in plain sight foreign debt

He's what you might call a "central-casting" version of a useful idiot. 

But here's something funny about the GOP: they can't get enough of him. Among GOP voters who say that "honesty" is important to them, they want his lying ass. His Flavor-Aid guzzlers prefer him and wnat to believe his lies even over their own family. What bolsters their opinion of him? What gives them faith?

The yellow gizzard of the Republican party's entire chickenshit-producing machinery can't grind him up and spit him out as yet. That's why. His continued freedom and the deference paid him by the barnyard fellowship have cottoned them to the concept that obviously, some animals are more equal than others. And Trump is the equalest of all. 

Now, it would be beautiful to see the challengers to the Apple of Putin's eye get out there and fuck him up with grit in their craw, but after he's been treated like the best china you don't even eat off of, I wonder if his "listless vessels" won't take a new form of offense. 

I think of them as "lemmings and marks" in this way. They will double-down on Trump's lie to not admit he's been having them going, and funding his legal fund and probably propping up his lifestyle while they struggle all this while. He won't do them any good, and his promised vengeance against the people they want to see him flatten won't do them any good either. But who benefits from a country so confused, divided, willing to believe disinformation? 

Someone, anyone who doesn't mean us any good. 

You don't have to believe that Putin is behind all of Trump's political success to think he had a hand and recognize the evidence of it. And you don't have to hate the Republican party for thinking their side has a point and politically should be viable and understand why they clung momentarily to this Great White Hope. But they gave power to this trashfire in nearly human form even after he displayed that he was more of a Great White Supremacist Hope and then tried to submerge the evidence that he's been supported by a foreign influence inimical to us because--they liked winning? 

Is being an ally of war criminal Putin and the Klan alike worth it? Because my God, if that's your opinion, of course I'm like:

(Not really. But do give a solid think about why Trump is so loud about the "hoax" and if it doesn't make sense. It does. It really does. And also too--why are you proud to be alongside the Klan, the Proud Boys, Patriot Front, and the several assorted He-Man Women-hater's Eliott Rogers had a Point and the Holocaust was a Start folks who see Trump as their Daddy? Are your shame-glands that malfunctional?)

So here's where we are for 2024: if you are fronting a third party I am for exile or hemlock because that's the kind of "just asking questions" that would make Socrates nut punch you. If you support Trump I assume you will Heaven's Gate yourself when he goes to prison, so I don't even think about you. If you think Biden is too old I want to know why you have a problem with Kamala Harris who is extremely competent and I love her, and if you like any of the stiffs running behind and round about Trump like ants around a colossus, just get therapy. Your party is about unfreedom, It's about censorship, razing schools and libraries to make way for prisons, and shopkeepers getting shot for their pride flags. It's about ignorance and violence instead of imagination and freedom. And you've become well-infiltrated by idiot, grifters and assholes. 

And think again about anyone talking about invading Mexico to strike at the cartels. My god. Russia lost over 250K manpower invading their neighbor and would love to see us stop supporting the victim of their would-be genocide to get mired on our own border. What the fuck is wrong with people who can talk about this absurdity with a straight face? Why can't they play connect the dots with any fucking sense? 


Joseph Max said...

They are the last, worst, cursed political party, the one that deserves the most horrible fate that can happen to it, the one that must and should suffer accursed and reviled forever, the one that should die terrified and in agony in the equivalent of a pathetic mattress fire, the sick-fuck, goatse party that begs for a brutal lashing with a spiked cat-o-nine-tails, the party that makes you want to kick it and urinate on it and put cigarettes out on its skin — that party, that awful, awful Republican party, may it burn screaming for eternity in a pit beneath the lowest hell.

Republican soli.

Vixen Strangely said...

Um. I was going for they should lose all the time and their donors should feel very bad but okay, something like that, too.

It's Especially NOT Funny Because It's True — Secular Talk ( (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2025 MAGA doesn't care about this....