Sunday, August 13, 2023

She Was the Mother of His Children


They say if you want to know the measure of someone, see how they treat waitstaff and pets. Or take a look at how Donald Trump treats the gravesite of his first wife, the mother of his three oldest children. That little indent there is her flat little headstone. You can just about see it for the grass.

He owns that property. He pays groundskeepers. They keep up the greens that rich folks play on--but is Ivana Trump's grave kept nice? It's patchy. (Not unlike Trump's head.)

It's not because of affection or familial devotion, either. I know people who visit their dead loved ones regularly and get on their own knees to weed, because they care. They put flowers. They bring a weed whacker in the car. Sure. Regular people will do things like that. Cemetaries can only do so much.

But Trump is a wealthy man (so we hear) with exactly one grave with a more-or-less public view. He has to know the grave will be seen. He could have left standing orders to keep it nice just for the damn optics of not making look like he carted off her body to disrespectfully plant it at Bedminster for a tax break. 

But he doesn't really care, even about what it looks like. That's who he is. 


Ten Bears said...

I would be surprised if she's even in that box ...

Vixen Strangely said...

It does make me wonder if the reason her patch is so untended is because they rather no one be there bothering with it; it's forgotten because something the Trump family would rather forget is really there.

Tim C said...

I don’t see Junior and Eric out there with the mower. The whole family are garbage.

Vixen Strangely said...

Right, Tim--not them or Ivanka whispered in Dad's ear that maybe the grandbabies want to see Mom-Mom's grave and it shouldn't look like that? I'm sure they pay Grandpa visits up in New Jersey over summers. The kids are along. They know they can see their grandma's grave--and do they even? Or are they learning that dead people don't do you any favors anymore, so why bother? That's a hell of a family value.

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