Friday, February 17, 2023

Kari Lake and the Lawyers She Rode in On


You might have heard that Kari Lake lost her election, oh, about November of last year, but if you are Kari Lake, you are hearing as it if for the first time just now, when for the second time she has been told that her idea of "proof" that the election was rigged against her just simply wasn't. 

As just a minute's worth of throat-clearing on my part, what if things like machines that didn't work properly or the existence of mail-in ballots or whatever, weren't things that only negatively affected Republican voters, but were conditions that existed for all the voters and under those conditions, there was still just a higher Democratic voter turnout? See, I feel like most complaints from GOP pols and their various conspiracy theorist fluffers is basically Republicans claiming some kind of weird victimhood that they were robbed when no, sometimes candidates just lose for reasons. It's the old idea that only Democrats have agency, therefore, Republicans could not possibly claw their way to an electoral advantage by any sort of nefarious means, but Democrats totally do. 


But anyway, whether Kari Lake learns anything from this loss or not, her lawyers will possibly get a hard lesson, because they aren't just looking at sanctions, but possibly the loss of their law licenses. That is serious business, as in, they will be out of business.  What lawyers will learn from this is--don't perform meaningless signifying electoral challenges if you can't prove voter fraud existed. 

What does Kari Lake learn? Nothing, so long as people think it's just fine and dandy for politicians to lie their asses off about whether they won or lost an election to gin up their fanbase. After all, Trump is still doing it, no matter how many times he's been told he lost (and it's a lot--like, an unbelievable lot).  But I think she looks like a whole horse's ass the more she insists on it instead of moving on to anything else, and well, that's good. As an example for others. 


Ten Bears said...

I'm looking forward to the cat-fights. I'll bank her and Palin go it first, but I figure they'll all ~ Sarah "paints targets on congresspeople who are then shot in a mass shooting" Palin, Scari Lake, the tweeker looking no doubt sexually frustrated one from Dakota and that Indian chick ~ go after each other ... just as drumpf uck wants. If one dumb (white) broad not wearing underwear is good four, or five or six, is better, amirite?

I don't know what's funnier, the cat-fights or Palin's assumption she's the default VP pick ...

Vixen Strangely said...

ha--my guess is that any of the 1-2% poll-number folks who think about running for president are really running for VP, but the problem with raising their profile is, Trump wouldn't stand for being upstaged. That why he had cardboard-ass Pence by his side for so long.

Richard said...

Would you let Kari Lake babysit your dog? No, i didn't think so.

Ali Redford said...

My dog wouldn't let Kari Lake babysit her! 🙂

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...