Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Trump Wants a Do-Over Because He's Not Controlling the Narrative


There's a reason I'm highlighting something stupid Trump has said from his FAILING! Trump Social app, which is very poor and isn't going to get better, and it's because he used to go "boom!" on Twitter, and people were there who listened to him and cared, and responded, even if he was kind of loud and stupid, and now he's only talking to the flying monkeys that his echo chamber incites

Anyway, in 2016, Trump has a killer idea to coordinate with Wikileaks and DNC email drops, because there really wasn't a lot of Clinton shit to be had. Wikileaks might have been a Russian op, but he didn't care. Later, during his presidency, he extorted Zelensky using already-approved foreign aid to try and get an investigation into Hunter Biden, because he wanted to dirty up his dad, Joe Biden, in the coming election. It was brazen. 

(We are getting an outline of whether or not this is how he rolled with respect to world leaders all the time.) 

Trump pretty openly was in search of shit to "get Biden" with through 2020, and it was desperately likely anything dug up that looked suspicious about either Biden was planted, or overhyped, and intended to throw the election to Trump--again. Just like the Russian disinfo campaign seems to have done in 2016. Trump was still asking for dirt in 2022. That's how desperate he is to get back into power. (Vanity Fair, in March of this year.) 

He was blatant about needing that leverage on Biden via his son to win. He really thought Hunter Biden was his ticket to re-election. It got him one impeachment. but he still thinks it is his answer to anything. Result: we have been here before. The laptop is beside the point. Whether Trump should be president or not was down to whether he was doing the job. (Through Project Veritas, the creepy right-wing hacks thought even going after Biden's daughter was a good idea, and no, it was not.) 

Who poisoned the well on the press not hyping the laptop story? Trump did by letting us know he was ready to do anything for that kind of dirt. It looked bad, and was treated as, well, suspect. 

The rightful winner based on the votes (this is how we do it) is Joe Biden. There is no do-over clause. There was no election interference, only an attempt to stop election interference in the form of the kind of disinformation Trump made apparent in 2016.  Trump can try to run for 2024, but things are a lot complicated by his history of insurrection, etc. now. And he did that to himself, too. 

1 comment:

Kwark said...

Yes, one of the best things about the whole stolen documents at Mar-a-lardo thing is that it's entirely a self-inflicted wound. Although, to be honest, it seems to me that tRump's entire life is full of events that, for anyone else, would probably also have been career ending self-inflicted wounds so I'm not holding my breath on this one.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...