Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Want to Hear an Identity Politics?


You know, I've voiced my fears before that there are people who experience morality as a category error, in the sense that for them, morality is based on who you are, not what you do. It's why they can't understand how religious leaders, who are by identity always moral, can be perverts, or how cops, who are supposed to represent the law, can ever be perpetrators. Men based on identity are heads of household and common sense leaders, women are emotional and subordinate. White people are in good neighborhoods, etc. Christians are good, heathens bad. 

"Identity politics" is a term right wingers use, I think badly. It's fine for groups to make political alliances that are advantageous for them. They accuse Democrats of using identity politics ("the black card" or "the gay card", feminism, etc.) to signify allyship for political support, but man, have they ever weaponized the white, Christian identity folks. 

In a short space, Pete Navarro's aide, Garrett Ziegler (who seems to be a Nick Fuentes stan among his other deficits of taste and decency), accuses the 1/6 committee of being anti-white (because it is chaired by a Black man), being Bolshevik (man, you find the most f'd up people using the term "Judeo-Bolshevik") , and accuses women who testified as being "thots" (that's a term the kids these days use to mean "slut"--it's pretty misogynistic!). Because being on Team "Throw out the Votes of People of Color" is definitely not racist (sure!), and Ziegler wants to claim victimization. 

Victimization for being young, white, and Christian? Or did it have something to do with helping people into the White House with a plan to use martial law to overturn a lawful election? (Ziegler might claim he definitely believes the election was rigged. I am giving him every benefit of the doubt that he's too smart to believe that. Trust me. I want to believe these people are literally stupid, but I have to credit their native intelligence and their reasons for lying, alike.) 

Ziegler wants to claim he's being thrown to the lions.  He's being asked about what he knows about an actual shameful and tragic event. He wants to blame everyone else based on identity, because he can't find the context for his actions in a frame where what he did had bad consequences and regardless of his intentions, other people seek accountability for what happened. The election wasn't rigged, and Trump's fan club did in fact storm the Capitol--it was no false flag, as convictions, confessions, and self-owns on social media have displayed again and again. No antifa anywhere, no set-up anywhere. This young man's retreat into ID pol, pretending he is being persecuted for his views, is shameful and whoever raised him either muffed up or should set him straight. Some people call patriotism the last resort of the scoundrel, others religion. 

Then there is this privileged youngster, doing his damnedest to scoundrel with the best of them. His rant is tinfoil-bitingly repellant. 

1 comment:

Palolololo said...

They should all use Poor Poor Pitiful Me as their entrance music.

Show Me Where on this Body of Christ the Gospel Hurt You

I don't know why Bishop Mariann Budde asking Trump to "Be Best" blew so many MAGA's little minds, but I think it has to do...