Monday, March 29, 2021

A Bargain with the Devil

The kindest view I can take of Dr. Birx and others not speaking out regarding the Trump Administration's mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis is that it was a hell of a deal--remain silent watching them do a half-assed job, or speak out, have the Trump Administration do the one thing they could do well, which was use politics to smash their credibility (you know who MAGAs would have sided with) and see things slide into a whole-ass disaster. They felt that if they didn't fluff Trump and his ego, he'd have made everything that much worse. And understanding the kind of person Trump is, and was surrounded by, yeah. I can see how they could have made it worse. We just don't know what that alternative would have looked like if they refused to deal with the devil.

*They should have spoken out, anyway because people are dying--but given that Trump is the guy who encourage militias to "LIBERATE!" certain states, yeah. I can see how they could have made things worse.


Ten Bears said...

G'Da would'a muttered somethin' under his breath about closing the barn door after the gleeful beggar has taken the mule for a ride, day late 'n a dollar short, all that ...

She's just covering her ass. Anyone can be contrite after the fact.

On par with "I was just joking..."

bt1138 said...

I agree. They were all trying to keep the Donald from fucking it all up.

But even so, when faced with the exact same situation, Fauci did a much better job of fluffing when he had to and telling the truth when he could or felt like he needed to.

Oedipally Wrecked

  Charlie Kirk presumably has a biological father who molded him and his big head into whatever you would call him now, and I believe he is ...