Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Perverse Psychology


Oh no, and what will the FBI do? Investigate the bad things that....the president and his associates caused with their "Stolen election" lie? Or follow the funding of the event where it all went so wrong and the facilitation of it by Trump campaign staff? Explore what exactly happened with the changes made at the Pentagon and whether there was a virtual "stand-down" order surrounding the January 6 events?

Taken at face value, Graham wants us to believe that a lengthy trial would be a bad thing for the country. It seems to me that would be true if one's definition of the US was "the Republican Party". As it is, I don't even think it's good for the GOP not to face what has happened. And even if witnesses were not heard at the trial, what happened will nonetheless be heard

Of course, it could be that Graham just concerned about his own possible role, and that of his Senate colleagues being further exposed. But that does not strike me as being a Democrat problem. At all.

1 comment:

Kwark said...

Indeed. Usually, if you're playing brinkmanship, you have to think you're arguing from a position of strength so is Graham just making a pathetically lame appeal to the Republican base or is one of the ongoing delusions of the Republican party manifesting itself once more?

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