Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Reality Seeps In


Nothing says "Time to end the grift, son" like televangelist Pat Robertson basically telling you, um, "Time to end the gr--"

Well, he put it a bit nicer: 

Robertson said that Trump has “done a marvelous job for the economy, but at the same time he is very erratic, and he’s fired people and he’s fought people and he’s insulted people and he keeps going down the line.” 
“And so, it’s a mixed bag,” he said. “And I think it would be well to say, ‘You’ve had your day and it’s time to move on.’ ”
"It's time to move on." The message sounds like it's for Trump, but really, it's to let his fans know they've gotten about as much out of Trump as they were going to get and it doesn't get better from here. (Trump would be smart to take the hint, though.)

They're striking a new tone at Newsmax, and at Fox, too. Sure they'd like to still play true believer, but the lawyers for Smartmatic apparently didn't come for play-time. And Trump's donors may very well start to wonder where the hell is their money even going?

And Senator Thune doesn't give Trump a dead dog's chance of overturning the vote at this point. (Trump is sending messages that the Senate GOP needs him, but he is a little confused about who won their elections. And McConnell, scoundrel though I think he is, forgets nothing.) 

It could just be reality is creeping in. But I'm still creeped out.

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