Saturday, November 28, 2020

What's Kraken-Lackin'?


The "Kraken" is lacking a lot of things, including proof and a spell-check. This is about par for the Trump legal team (and random associates who are, per Rudy Giuliani, not part of the Elite Stricken Force), as their recent request for an appeal to the Third District Court was rejected for not really having a case. It's a whole read

In the meanwhile, the Trump campaign's bid to find votes in Milwaukee Co., WI has done the trick--$3 million has turned up 132 Biden votes that had gone uncounted--way to go, guys! I'm really not sure what the play had been here by picking on blue-voting areas for voting....pretty much in a way that was not anomalous for them, but ok. 

But in case this whole suing for the election to be overturned thing doesn't go their way, the Trump folks have come up with a novel remedy--state legislators. They will get them together in a hotel banquet/ballroom (as they did in Gettysburg) in the sort of pitch you might find at a job fair for a fly-by-night boiler room operation or a seminar recommending sending old mom and dad to a retirement village built on reclaimed Florida swamp land.... 

And suggest to GOP stalwarts that if they certainly remember swearing an oath to the Constitution to protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic, then certainly they could....not do that, for a while, yes? 

It feels like bad theater. But the stage has been set for bad actors for awhile.

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BRUVS and That

  In a time when the US can have an adjudicated sex pest and 34-count felon on deck to be sworn into our highest office, there's really ...