Saturday, June 20, 2020

TWGB: Friday Night Foolishness

Comparisons to the original "Saturday Night Massacre" for anything happening in TrumpWorld already seem super-cheesy and done-to-death. I mean, what about Sally Yates, or Jim Comey, or maybe Andrew McCabe? Peter Strzok? Jeff Sessions? (And it sure looked like the end of the Mueller Report and Mueller's own exeunt was stage-directed). All of these IG's, lately? Basically, the one thing we can count on for sure about the Trump Administration is that it's always Celebrity Apprentice decision time, and if you are doing some law enforcing (or even allowing some law enforcement or maybe thinking about it) that is inconvenient to Trump--you're fired!

So the curious case of the resigned US Attorney who did not agree to resign, Geoffrey Berman, isn't some great irregularity in the Trump system, or shouldn't seem like much more than another flashing light amongst the Las Vegas strip of flashing lights. US Attorneys are sometimes removed, is all. Except--

Yeah, well but it's the SDNY. Could there be an attempt here to interfere with an investigation to do with Deutsche Bank? HalkBank? Jeffrey Epstein? The Giuliani investigation? The mind friggin' boggles.

And here I was thinking the most TrumpWorld Grab-Bag thing today would end up being a release of a less-redacted bit of the Mueller report that kind of does hint at a bit more collusion than we were told. Folks--there is always something more in the Grab-bag. The Trump Universe is a cornucopia of crime. It's all just a grift with some government stuff attached. Trump views his biggest fans as the biggest marks.

This is why he doesn't care what happens to them at his pick-me-up rally. Marks aren't people--they're lunch.

I think this gives Congress a lovely opportunity to get AG Bill Barr to answer some really probing questions, though. As he is not Trump's personal lawyer, I do wonder what he would say if someone actually held his feet to the fire since he really should be working for the people of the US? Ha, hah but no, really his entire ass should be impeached.

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