Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sure. Not a Cult.

Sure, it could be all about "branding" which is a big old thing with the Trump folks, but I dunno. The matching jackets are kind of giving off a Heaven's Gate vibe to me.

(Go ahead and Google that one, kids, if you're too young to remember.)


Formerly Amherst said...

Salutations, Vixen.

Maybe. But at least it's not an ideological cult. At least it's not the British Labour Party. Corbynism.

Ten Bears said...

Barely literate bare-footed rubes sprawled drooling Pavlovianly across a 'couch' the backseat out of a nineteen sixty-nine Chevy Suburban drunk on the Ambien, Prozac, Viagra and crotch-shots on Fox Kool-Aid blindly following a charismatic 'leader' to suicide, dragging the rest of us with them. Not smart nor organized enough to be a cult, just bare-footed barely literate rubes ...

Formerly Amherst said...

Most Americans understand that hatred of the president is not a policy. And insulting people is not an argument.

Deep in the Dark Heart of Texas

  BREAKING: Texas Governor Greg Abbott pardons Daniel Perry for killing BLM protester Garrett Foster pic.twitter.com/lSn3WafPE4 — BNO News ...