Tuesday, April 4, 2023

TWGB: Arraignment Eve


It's a wild thing to consider in TrumpWorld: Is it better to surrender oneself and not have the mugshot. or is losing the mugshot losing an opportunity to have Trump mugshot-branded swag? On one hand, a mugshot is very bad because a president shouldn't be a felon. On the other hand, the market is there. And it would be the manliest mugshot the world has seen. (Lie: that would be the mugshot of Francis Albert Sinatra who was booked for the charge of seduction--and his hair was perfect.) 

This Holy Week, the transit of Stunato Mundi is truly a representation of the Stations of the Ass and It's Foal he rode in on and no one's palms are clean. Between you, me, and the whole entire internet, I am going to be sick that the arraignment of Trump on April 4th will give Christianist Doomsday heads some Maranatha energy and lets total racist assholes make MLK analogies. People are seriously covering his willing surrender in NYC (his hometown) as if it was notable that he didn't, I dunno, abscond to Argentina. It's for the drama. Trump is a thirsty bitch who lives for the drama. He could have done this by Zoom.  He wanted a display of pretend martyrdom.

MAGAS: Donald Trump is not your bridegroom, Gurl. Just drop that like it's hellfire hot. He's also not a martyr for any damn cause and isn't being denied going to the mountaintop of a second term. He's a twice-impeached pussy-grabbing, mafia-adjacent, seditionist who is wildly earning all the indictments. Get a whole grip on reality. The man looks bad right now because he's been bad forever and never got good. 

His campaign boasts that he's raised $7 million or so since the indictment. If I believe that: good. That money could have gone to actually viable Republican candidates instead of this guy. That money is several $$$ less in MAGA hands. 

His lawyers may get paid, yet.  And look on what they get paid for: like lying about the search they did and did not do for classified docs.  This is going to come up in a future Trump arraignment, and probably a disbarment for Miss Thing for being an unprofessional liar. When Trump got subpoenaed for the docs he had, he went out of his way to try and hold on to them, and they were not his, but ours--the property of our government, of which he was no longer a part. He enmired his lawyers in that and they apparently helped.  And should have known how illegal that was.

Look, Trump thinks everything is his. The presidential documents--his (but no). Trump Org funds--his.  (This is the same thing he did with his Trump Foundation. It's unquestionably what he's doing with his campaign funds.) He thinks he can do whatever he wants. He thinks he's above the law--he isn't. He can't be--

If he was, we wouldn't even have a country. That's how serious it really is. It's what he tells us about his potential liability, but it's a projection. No man is above the law. He gets the benefit of his constitutional protections and appeal rights. But we need to have him see several days in court. Because what we can see--it is bad. And I believe it looks bad because it is bad. And the judge and jury of that need to be an actual judge and jury, not the media, not public opinion. Just our lawful system engaging with the whole facts of the case, as we have done historically over and over again. And he might even be exonerated, and he might not. But our legal system needs to process that--not randos opining on yon internets. 

He deserves a proper hearing--that's what courts are for, and why he's paying lawyers (or rather, why his fanclub is paying lawyers). This is the system at work. 

Slice the garlic thin--it's a good system. 

UPDATE: We know Trump says revealing things on Truth Social all the time, even though hardly anyone is on Truth Social, which is likely to financially fail. Anyways, he's been hollering that Alvin Brag should be indicted because maybe the counts were unsealed before the arraignment which is totally cool and legal

Is that not how things work? 

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