Thursday, April 6, 2023

Kansas Institutes the Pee Parts Police


The trans panic that somehow, exposure to the existence of people who did not identify with their birth gender assignment will "contaminate" others has now resulted in something ghoulish and perverted that affects all kids who want to do sports in Kansas--they have to subject their genitalia to someone's review. 

Kansas decided to be the pee parts police and go totally weird. The Powers That Be decided to become genital inspectors to decide who can do sports.  Wow. People want to be the deciders of genital correctness. Trans athletes in k-12 education are probably less than 1% of candidates to participate in school sports, but here is Kansas, deciding to physically humiliate any children. Any children at all*. Who just want to do sports. And should not have their genitals subjected to some weird review. No one should!  These legislators do not care who it humiliates, who it hurts, how it is offensive and does not affect the non-trans people in anyway. They just have their scapegoat and here they are--goat scaping. 

The idea that anyone should be the pee parts police is just ridiculously intrusive. We don't think people should search a house or a car without some reasonable pretext--why body parts? This isn't conservatism--it's a perversion. Why are so-called GOP family values conservatives so interested in underage genitals? It is sick and should be treated like a sickness. 

UPDATE: For any who are confused when I say "any", when the law is supposed to focus on trans students, all students are going to be suspect, I mean, the concept of what is feminine or masculine is subjective, and human anatomy doesn't necessarily agree with social parameters. So you get a Caster Semanya. She is no man. She is just XX with high androgens. But other athletes can get challenged about their gender because of their skill. 

There's no reason to think trans people are going to change their gender just to participate in sports--that's a whole lot for any human to center their lives, loves, and legal documents around just to excel at some participatory meritocracy thing. So what I think is going to happen, sadly, is snitch culture will challenge the genitalia of really good athletes who aren't trans at all and kill women's sports specifically. Because trans rights are human rights, but are also rights feminists need to be attuned to. 


Grung_e_Gene said...

Rape-publicans have always been panty sniffers and witch finders, eager and willing to pull the pants down on children and stare, poke, and prod.

Vixen Strangely said...

Leave it to conservatives to figure out a way to sexually traumatize children to supposed save them from sexual trauma.

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