Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Gaga Saga of Scott Adams, MAGA


The funny thing about Scott Adams is, he had a really good thing--he did satire about office politics and stuff that was mostly unstupid. Managers that didn't understand the technology or the mission, and rules that were made for the institution, not the individual workers, were very relatable, and made for a cool syndicated cartoon berth that also generated dollars from swag like mugs and calendars--the kind of things worker bees had in their cubicles. 

And he also got to write books about other stuff--like how he thought Donald Trump was a winner--and that's not a big deal. People can have their politics after all--big, free country. No one cancelled him for being a Trump fan. It's cynical to say Trump wins because facts don't matter to him and then like him for that very reason, but whatever. 

Scott Adams defended Trump regarding his apparent support for the white supremacists in Charlottesville, by claiming he never really said the thing everyone absolutely understands him to have said. Didn't get cancelled for that, though. 

He also was full of shit when he said that, because he also was mad at Trump for continuing to say it

This particular kind of thing is called "right-fighting". He'd rather people concede that he is right than actually get right. 

But that didn't get him cancelled. He got cancelled when he said all Black people are a racist hate group and white people should just avoid them. Which is not how it works at all in the real world, where you meet people and treat them like co-workers, neighbors and friends because they are. And I don't know how he came to the conclusion that all Black people are even a racist hate group without oddly thinking he said it because he wanted cancellation, because that is crazy and obviously not OK. 

As in "Is it OK to be Scott Adams and that white?"  There was a racist meme that went around that might have missed Adams because cool people knew about it, that went "It's OK to be white." You all know about how the "OK" hand signal got appropriated to be a white supremacist thing? Well, this was 4Chan playing off that being OK thing. And Black people know the Whites are not OK, because I'm White and I have seen White people in action, and if you view "Karen" videos on YouTube, you realize in a very real way how "not right" White people are even if you're White, too. And Black people get the experience of White people not being OK right in their faces all the time. So actually, yes, there is something badly up with White people, and that does not make Black people racist for noticing it. Just some kind of aware. As in, not sleeping on it, you could say. If only a four-letter word existed...

Anyway, the gay community also asks if the Straights are alright when they are acting up about LGBTQ people. This is a way for people of various intersections to notice how things have gotten really threatening among the people who assume they are the default. 

But Adams decided to deride all Black People as a hate group and suggested segregation was the obvious answer to his own inability to cope with other people's rational perspective.

This lead to a cascading diminishment of his own media saturation in the form of syndication, books, swag, and the various lucrative what-have-yous that his neat and mostly not awful cartoon got him. Even if he at times let his awfulness out in cartoon form:

Which gets weirder when a part of Scott Addams' apologetics for himself includes the idea he didn't identify as white:

So, other White people in three different jobs thought he was so hatefully racist that they shitcanned him, and no Black person (who he had said were the actual racists) ever had discriminated against him? So actually, even he disagrees with his assessment of Black people as the actual hate group? 

No one disagrees that Black people are the real racists except himself. Because he's Black but he's also White. Making that joke is the WHITEST thing. He identifies as a cancel culture martyr. His pronouns are He/Him, because anything else is not even a joke but a failure of understanding how English works, and he fucked up his own good thing. No one else did that for him. He made that fuckup by himself. 

Apparently, sometimes the reason for the cancelation is coming from inside the house. Also too, Elon Musk thinking this is the death of comedy, not someone absolutely killing whatever we found charming and funny about them, is his own banana-peel on the ladder minute, going so far as to say the media is biased against Whites. 

I don't know about that. I've been White my whole life and have not felt the media bias. Maybe the media is actually biased against white supremacy--not White people? Does Musk not know how easy it is to be white and not white supremacist?

(And yet, as I've mentioned before, a category error exists for bigots in that they identify morality as an identity, not a course of action. So Blacks are criminals but Cops are good, regardless of action. White Christians are godly, non-white or non-Christian people, less so. And if you criticize an individual who is Christian or White, perhaps you aren't looking at what they did, but stigmatizing them for their identity. Yes, it is a very dumb mental pattern--but it is real. It is a way for Christians and Whites to claim a martyrdom. And it's bullshit.)

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