Friday, December 30, 2022

Greta and the Terrible Tate


I was vaguely aware of Andrew Tate before just a few days ago, mostly as a Terrible Influence for the Children--an openly misogynistic self-help toxic masculinist. I was very much aware of Greta Thunberg, who, although still a teen, has been the leader of a climate movement for years. So I very much understand what Andrew Tate was trying to do the other day by tagging her on his Tweet (from his recently-restored account under the new Regime) regarding his 30-something gas-guzzling cars--

He was seeking engagement with a higher profile account to get more engagement. It's what one does for more clicks, right? So, there he was, presumably tweaking a humorless scold liberal female on the social media when all of the sudden, she dunked on him. 

It's a thing of beauty in its spare economy of words. He called her out, and she said he was an overcompensating try-hard who needed to "get a life".  And his knee-jerk response has to be noted for all time:

How dare you!?

Weak. Afflicted. Shooketh. Taken out at the knees. Pressure applied to the nerve center of a very small area. That wasn't supposed to happen. 

Hours later, he composed himself, got into his smoking jacket, acquired a cheroot of some sort, sought out a wood-paneled back drop and a big old pizza box, and made a calm, obviously not-trying-too hard and does-so have a life video to the effect that he doesn't have a small one, she has the small one. 

(Right. She has a small one, it's his, and it's in her trophy room in a match box.)

And any way this social media exchange gave Romanian authorities enough information to find him and pick him up for rape and human trafficking, because sometimes people who espouse horrific points of view on the internet are, actually, horrible people. 

And there ends the lesson.


Cthulhu said...

The whole thing was a thing of beauty, and a perfect example of FAFO.

Paul said...

The Schadenfreude was so tasty on this one.

Arguably, it's horrifying what Tate and his brother have done to young women. But the karmic payback on this misogynist is a wonderful thing to witness. He's being held for 30 days in a Romanian prison, where he won't get his social media rage on, and with any hope the authorities will have enough evidence to take his hateful ass to trial.

TWGB: Citizen Krasnov?

  I'm just a simple, mostly reality-based blogger, and I have to admit, the "Krasnov" story about Trump being recruited by KG...