Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Ah! There it Is!


The condescension! The paternalism! The implication that "You silly bitches would be just fine with your rape babies if you weren't being such stupid sluts about it." (And it will only take a month to settle you! Think about that! A month to get over the loss of a right we've had for 50 years.)

When people concern-troll and tone-police about the optics of actually peaceful sidewalk demonstrations by pro-choice advocates, just keep in mind that this is the guy we're up against. Is Cruz trying to convince a single supporter of the right to choose of anything at all by calling us "ignorant"? He makes sure to add "angry", as if the prospect of fully realized human beings having to beg for recognition vs. the projection of humanity the Bible-bangers want to bestow on the 6-week sprog wasn't something to be good and infuriated about. 

"There, there little dummy. Lie back and enjoy it." I mean, it's a gift, right?  It's an opportunity

Tell that to the girls as young as five years of age who have gotten pregnant. Tell that to the already-existing children who could lose a parent to an ectopic pregnancy. 

I don't know that protesting outside of the homes of the justices likely to vote against a human right will change their core beliefs, but it will certainly let them know the opposition exists and is robust. I also don't believe that right-wingers are the least bit honest with us or themselves when they pretend the pro-choice contingent is verging on terrorism by simply speaking out (and I wish our elected leaders would push back on the hypocrisy of this instead of eagerly adopting that frame). I think we know full well who has a history of behaving like terrorists. 

Cruz needn't worry about this turning into another, say, January 6th, after all.  Even if he is very worried about whether a terrified Sam Alito has probably gone into hiding somewhere. Probably Cancun. 


Ten Bears said...

I want to see that Quban Canadian's green-card.

Mr XD said...

Speaking as an angry leftist, I say *Fuck that Guy with a Barbwire Fence Post*.

Literal Pants on Fire

  In the midst of the devastation and tragedy in southern California, there are some political animals who adhere to the maxim to let no goo...