Saturday, April 2, 2022

Ivermectin is Useless for COVID-19 and Vaccinations Are Good


These are just some important things that were sorted out by science recently: So, long story short, if you want better protection from COVID-19, get some kind of vaccination if you haven't already. Things being what they are, I will treat myself to a second booster for my 50th birthday.

Also, as many people who understand the difference between parasitic worms and viruses could have told you, ivermectin, a favorite elixir of crackpots, doesn't do a thing. This isn't supposed to be an "I told you so" kind of thing, but more like an "every reasonable person told you so and the ones who didn't weren't anyone you should have paid attention to" sort of thing. I know my readers are probably already aware--but send the link to a friend who needs the facts.   
Also, too:
COVID-19 infections are more dangerous to the heart than getting any of the available vaccines. The folks who want to swear up and down that the vaccinations are deadly and that pharmaceutical companies would want to kill people off on purpose are barking insane--why would anyone want to kill off customers

It just doesn't make any sense. (I hardly need to add, that for the people who fear they will be microchipped, that there is a microchip shortage right now. It doesn't make sense, and even if it did, it would be wildly cost-prohibitive and impractical. Vaccines do what it says on the label--offer some protection from severe illness and/or death.) 

In other news, I'm posting about how science is getting it right because I'm worried about how we're getting it wrong--I'm still looking a bit warily at the "stealth Omicron" situation, I want to think that the US isn't going to see another wave, but I'm bracing myself, 


Kwark said...

Agreed on all points but, in my experience, people who want to think ivermectin is a treatment for Covid are instead immune to reality . . . until it kills them.

Grung_e_Gene said...

I am looking forward to sheltering Doctor refugees from Wisconsin when Karen Mueller wins the Attorney General race and then seeks to arrest and incarcerate Doctors for not giving Ivermectin and for giving vaccines which all good Republicans know killed millions of people.

Trump's Ukraine/Russia Delusions Do Not Go Unnoticed

  Ukraine: *exists* Ukrainians: literally just sleeping in their beds at 4 AM. Russia: invades, bombs,kills, destroys, rapes, lots, kidnaps...