Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Insurrectionist's Vision Board


As seen on Twitter: It wasn't all that long ago that self-described "rodeo clown" Glenn Beck was smoking up Fox News with a fun gimmick: spelling out his conspiracy theories on a chalkboard so that every person with no capacity for critical thinking whatsoever could be entertained/enthralled/credulous about the amazing lessons they were learning about things that were actually...bullshit. (He might still be pulling this on, I dunno, is Blaze still a thing? I don't feel like checking.)

This board is something else. I mean, it's in the same broad category of random brain-droppings shoved together to look like there's a point, but it's really just arrows of supporters to Trump. Maybe giving him powerful prayer-energy? I note that there are lots of crosses and names of figures in the religious right on the board. Also scripture. "Jesus is King" sits next to a quote from Rev. 3:7--

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
Yeah. An expanded look at that is regarding the second coming and who the hell do these people think Trump is, anyway?  And with that kind of logic, I see one reason why Q is capturing evangelical market share--"Make America Great Again" might sound an awful lot like making a "New Jerusalem".  (A home for Judeo-Christian believers with high walls. And there is a theocratic movement that has gotten pretty damn close to Trump, who is, pretty transparently, probably the most materialistic and concupiscent person for that lot to have picked for a vehicle to the promised land, but who am I to say? (A scarlet beast, full of profanities, ridden by a whore, is more like it--aligned with false prophecy. But Lindell has other ideas about "the beast" and it's Mark. I think anyone who listens to him is a "mark", that's for sure.)

Anyway, I both want a better look at it and don't. There is no path to a reinstatement for Trump in August or at any other time. But in the meanwhile, I think this sort of nonsense could be pulling gullible people into the idea of a holy war and inviting stochastic terrorism. When this kind of mumbo-jumbo is allied with the idea that "God ordains it", you get fanatics who aren't scared to die, but would take others with them. 


Victor said...

Rwanda keeps popping into my head lately.
And I don't (wanna) know why...?

Vixen Strangely said...

You definitely have a point--Rwanda had a media campaign that demonized people with disastrous effects, and the RW Wurlitzer churns out a song about how lefties are gonna take people's bibles, destroy their churches, ruin their neighborhoods, kill jobs, and even make their language scarce because diluted with other tongues. While crime (because strangers do crimes, obvs) will be rampant because supposedly, all the libs want law enforcement defunded (as opposed to reformed--the actually real thing people are asking for). They even demonize individuals. FOX news/OANN/Newsmax--they could kill someone with their grievance uber alles reportage. Their careless rhetoric is aimed at causing harm, and I don't even think it's inadvertent--it's more like "Maybe on purpose and deniably so."

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  The Biden Administration wasn't perfect, but it was professional. You want the most benign, bloodless take I can make on it--there you...