Thursday, July 8, 2021

Local Man in Financial Straits Sues Big Companies


Trump held a press conference to announce that he has lawyers who will pretend to fight the big companies that are holding conservatives down by kicking them off their platforms when they really go out of their way to violate the terms of service that they agree to when they signed up for the platforms in the first place, and the fundraising commenced immediately thereupon. 

So far, the suits are apparently filed in the wrong venue, allege that the private companies are actually the government, and may be "sticking it to the man" by forcing a definition of free speech that will make platforms accept socially unacceptable speech--that can include open hate speech, harassment and porn. In other words, it's good the arguments don't appear defensible because the results would be intolerable. 

On the plus side for Trump though, he gets to be in the news for other reasons than his staggering electoral loss, his multiple tantrums since, his possible criminal wrongdoing via Trump Org and any other bad news that comes along. Oh and the fundraising. 

Yeah. The multi-billionaire who is always asking for folks' money, It would make you reallllllly think, if you were so inclined to do that. 

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