Tuesday, June 1, 2021

It Would Be Funny if it Wasn't Dangerous

So, you might be unfamiliar with the exact part of the Constitution where the events that Sidney Powell is explaining come into play, but this is basically the "do-over" clause of the "No takesies-baksies" rule of the double, super-secret part of Article 2 which states that "A do-over is permissible in an election if the sun was in the president's eyes, if he was just not ready for that one, if he calls 'Cheats, cheats, bo-beats, banana-fana-fo-feets', or if his lawyers can successfully pull off the "Rubber vs. glue" maneuver of "No coup, you're the coup, we didn't try a coup."

You wouldn't know about these parts of the law because they are in invisible ink and you also need a decoder ring. 

In other news, her some-time client, Mike Flynn called for a coup.

UPDATE: In other news--still not funny.

UPDATE: Mike Flynn thinks if he says he didn't say what we all heard him say, we will think he did not say it. This is gaslighting. He has also said just as bad or worse


Ten Bears said...

Isn't that their "excuse" ~ it's just entertainment, no rational person would take them seriously?

Vixen Strangely said...

That "joking, but not joking" thing--it is a recurring fascist gimmick. https://newrepublic.com/article/139004/ironic-nazis-still-nazis

It's Weird, Right?

  Trump staggered up the stairs of the helicopter on his way to go play his customary weekend golf with the omnipresent little Musk kid lead...