Sunday, May 30, 2021

This TrumpWorld Grab-Bag Hates Disco


It's always amazing to me that when I try to do an omnibus post of TrumpWorld news, there's still some crumbs left behind. For example, when I posted my latest regarding the Barr memo and the McGahn testimony stuff (of which, I guess there will be more to come) I didn't include the funny old news that former Ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, is suing former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the US Government for his legal fees. I guess it's because I wanted to focus on the Russian 2016 matter (the impeachment that wasn't, since Barr snaffled the Mueller Report) and this was so very late 2019 and early 2020. But of course, it's meaningful--why is Sondland important?

It's because he threw Giuliani under the bus and copped to how Trump directed Ukraine policy to be run through Rudy Giuliani of course. That is very significant, what with the current legal cloud Trump's former (I guess?) pro bono lawyer is under (which has been growing!). 

So here's the deal--were Sondland's legal fees supposed to be covered by the State Department by law, or was there an agreement? And what kind of agreement was it, and did it get reneged because Sondland said the wrong thing

I think that's a hell of a multipart question, right? So, I think some answers might be suggested if this shit gets settled RIGHT AWAY. And that's because there are reasons some folks might not want this one to drag out, because Mr. Sondland said everything that would keep him from being caught perjuring himself during the impeachment hearing, but he didn't say everything he possibly knew. (That's my completely unprofessional opinion, so, FWIW). Also Mike Pompeo wants very badly to be running for president and used his office to help him set up, so he isn't about to to let that get fucked up. And you know, covering up how much fuckery was involved in Trump's 2020 campaign (where he still lost the election, by the way) is practically a "personal favor" to so many people. So really, what's $1.8 million? It's petty cash for this banana stand and how Trump would do it, TBH. 

I guess some questions might get answered if this drags out, too (and in the Giuliani matter, the discovery is really like, in the iClouds and whatnot), so. Happy findings!

Here's the funny old thing--back when Giuliani seemed to be a patsy for laundering Russian disinfo for the 2020 election which is still is ongoing wherever election fraud narratives are sold? There's reason to believe TrumpWorld knew exactly what they were doing and didn't give a shit, because there was money involved.  Sort of like how they don't give a shit about the Jan. 6 insurrection attempt--they would not like to offend the sources of their patronage. No wonder McConnell thinks putting the kibosh on investigations is a really personal favor

But this is TrumpWorld doings that basically still benefit...Trump. The guy whose business practices are under investigation, duh? Who might not even be a viable candidate come 2024 but is still being treated like the leader of a party that simply has no vision. 

Because if they bothered to look, who knows what they would discover

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Trump's Ukraine/Russia Delusions Do Not Go Unnoticed

  Ukraine: *exists* Ukrainians: literally just sleeping in their beds at 4 AM. Russia: invades, bombs,kills, destroys, rapes, lots, kidnaps...