Saturday, February 13, 2021

Can They Get a Witness?


I feel like this impeachment really, really needs the kind of answers that will only come from getting people under oath. (Also I think the longer this goes, the worse for everyone who wants to retain loyalty to Trump over their oath of office, but sometimes, I am an actual hope fiend.) I think it would also be neat if Trump's own lawyers would stop lying, but I guess he is getting the exact kind of defense that he wanted from them. 

I also find myself more and more interested in the kind of "help" Sens. Lee, Cruz, and Graham have been offering to the defense. Especially since Sen. Lee got an interesting phone call during the siege that is at issue, and also because Cruz and Graham were a big part of promoting the Big Lie that kept the anger growing.

I mean, we wouldn't want something this important to be rushed, right? 

UPDATE:  Well! Apparently Magic 8 Ball says "Yes!" and we are getting witnesses, with Senator Graham putting his name in the aye column. What this means: since we're definitely going to have someone called, Trump's defense is going to call everybody including Inspector Gadget and Penny, and when there are objections such as: "No, those are cartoon characters, and you can't call them", Trump and friends will be able to say "See, that was rigged, too."  It's childish but Trump has been getting away with childish for this long, so....

UPDATE: Aaaaaand, we're not getting witnesses. I should probably be more irritated than I am based on Twitter, except, I'm not. Look, it was gonna turn into a spectacle, the Senate has other things to do, Republicans are going to acquit, and and I watched Mike Lee's hands the entire time. Just because it's over doesn't means it's over. Yadda yadda yadda. The acquittal is also a part of the crime. Even the testimony would have been part of the cover-up. Forget about it Jake, it's Chinatown. 

I already knew we weren't getting witnesses, plural. How the fuck mad am I supposed be? There will be criminal trials for the criminals. 

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