Friday, October 9, 2020


Yes, they seem a little hapless, but the trend is worrisome, and yes, they probably do represent the tip of the iceberg. And yes, despite the fake outrage from Trump surrogates* regarding whether his "Liberate Michigan!" Tweet and other rhetoric encourages these people--maybe it is a really harsh thing to say, but sometimes really harsh things are absolutely true. He was talking about insurrection. There didn't have to be an absolute direct link for those people to have felt like they got a wink and a nod. There are folks out there who have been primed for this type of activity for decades. And this is 100% domestic terrorism.

* This is especially true when, as in Jason Miller's case, the fake outrage also sounds a little bit like "and she had it coming!"


Ten Bears said...

I think I would've picked a gang name not associated with a couple of b-grade movies but hey, who am I to say, aeh?

I'm actually starting to wonder about these bois claims to manlyness. All they ever seem to do is dress up in cute little cosplay costumes and prance around for each other. I'm not sure what that's all about but where I come from it isn't thought to be all that manly.

Every time time I see those bois in there Kakki shorts with the side pockets stuffed full of shit I just can't help but think of Mel Brooks and that movie he made about Hitler, wearing those Kakki shorts with the side pockets stuffed full of shit and the big poofy round butt off the back.


Vixen Strangely said...

It's amazing that the movie Wolverines were fighting back against a totalitarian foreign invasion and they are....subverting democratically-elected gov't in favor of (alleged) Russian Pawn Trump. They might be "manly" in their own minds, but who could call them even half-ass smart?

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...