Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Eyes, Lies and Flies

 I find debates a little unwatchable at best, and Mike Pence....I guess unsettles me in an uncanny valley kind of way. He lies differently than Trump does, but every bit as much. Trump lies in a grandiose way, a big way, an obviously false way, the lies of a large man who who can not even hope to contain how delighted he is in the sound of his own lying; Pence is the bland liar who does it automatically and with little thought with the falsity of a small bookkeeper who ultimately, through diligent peculations,  has made off with millions. 

Of course, Pence maintained absurd things, such as touting the absolute shutdown of travel from China (which didn't happen) and the aim to protect people with pre-existing conditions (which is belied by long-standing action), and the transparency of the president's medical team with respects to his condition--and he did it all while looking like he had pink eye.

That's a symptom of COVID-19. Maybe he just had a late night engaging in debate practice or whatever, but Twitter sure thought he looked paler and more pink-eyed than usual, like a sick laboratory rabbit. 

Anyway, he managed to be less of a bossy-butter-inner than Trump was during that debate, while Senator Harris did a fine job. But no one is going to recall a damn substantial thing from the debate because a fly landed on Pence's head. What attracted the insect to Pence in particular I suppose we can only guess at (and what fun we can have with it!) but imagine the disturbing landscape it was for the fly, navigating its six feet on that albino Astroturf. 

The Biden campaign response was so swift one could almost swear the little fellow was a plant.  But something so metaphorically correct must have been organic. 

But where the flies linger, can the buzzards be far behind?


Richard said...

Get off my ass you fucking money grabbing politicians. Also,we hate trump.If we survive, we will dance on that grave.

Vixen Strangely said...

Mike Pence walks into a doctor's office with two burning pink eyes and a fly on his head. The doctor asks "What can I do for you?" The fly answers "Get this fucking money-grabbing politician off my ass."

Ten Bears said...

My bingo card for today reads Trump accuses Dems of landing high-tech drone - made in China, don'cha no - in Pense's bowl cut* and was filming his notes, transmitting them to a team of Gay Mexican Muslims who in turn relayed real-time debate points to Senator Harris on her Apple (made in China, don'cha no) Dick Tracy phone.

Levity aside, two things come to mind, that personal protection layout was wholly inadequate given what we know about 1) how the virus spreads and 2) Trump, specifically what we know of it. With its "arrived too late to be tested" stunt at the Biden debate I've drawn the conclusion it knew it was covid positive going into that hall and was deliberately trying to infect Candidate Biden. I've drawn that conclusion here as well.

Yes, it.

* Is that tin-foil?

Li'l Innocent said...

Bravi, commenters all!

The Kennedy Hearing was Ugly

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