Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What is Trump On?

I don't know if this makes any sense, but Trump is telling everybody he's taking hydroxychloroquine, and that health care professionals are even taking it (prophylactic benefits remain to be seen), and he's not even sick, but he feels good, and he's even got a doctor's note about it, so, um. Okay, then.

I'm not sure how well this drug interacts with statins (per Ronny Jackson, who has lost his mind or is still on the drink and apparently running for office), Adderall (rumored), European Sudafed (also rumored), Propecia (per doctor), and buttloads of artificial sweeteners from Diet Coke.  I'm also not sure he's really taking it, I mean, he lies constantly. He could just be saying it to impress Jodie Foster Laura Ingraham, who is all about that pill pushing life right now.  (Aw, c'mon now. We know Don will always be her Fatherland Figure.)

But then again, there is a certain attitude a lot of people in the US have about finding solutions in a pill. It's easy. It's that "one weird trick" mentality.  It's also from the culture of "fake it to make it" and the "get rich quick" scam. It's the pharmaceutical equivalent of prosperity gospel. Trump might just be falling back on what he knows--selling. And how can you sell unless you are also a testimonial?

I think it's probably bullshit, so that we're talking about this instead of over 90K dead and over 1.5 million cases in the US. If it is true that he's taking it, well, he's a big boy with access to the best health care available.  I don't think it's necessary to get out there and try a round of "How big is he?" jokes, though.  (A lot of people are big and don't need to have it pointed out. Although I appreciate the value in trying to puncture Trump's narcissistic hide, I don't know that he necessarily takes jabs like that personally--but his real failing is being incompetent and a fascist, not being a large person.)

There may be some value in pointing out that at Trump's age and weight, he very much matches the profile of all-American co-morbidity that Alex Azar was referring to on CNN-- if we're discussing who is doubly vulnerable because of pre-existing conditions and limited health care access vs who has access to the very best care despite how they treat their body.

But just as with his peculiar light and disinfectant advice, he's yet again setting a very dangerous example for people who will now demand to be on the treatment the president himself is taking. (As opposed to ever setting a good example, which he does not.) I do not know what his investment is in this chemical, or if he just feels, like a cult-leader, it's enough to demonstrate he can affect the habits of his faithful.  In that way, at least, I think he is very much "high on his own supply."

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