Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Pompeo Effect

What's funny is, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is supposed to have requested that the IG investigating him be fired for "undermining the State Department" and claimed he did not know that he was being investigated. But we have moved on from Pompeo and his wife were using his office and personnel for things like errands and dog-walking, to the more troubling news that Pompeo certainly knew the IG had questions for him about a Saudi arms deal, to finding out that Pompeo also was having many fancy parties on the taxpayers' dime for what looks like building a contact base for his future political parachute, not anything to do with diplomacy.

And aaaalllll of this came to light in just days. I think the "Streisand Effect" should have a new name, huh? Also, why do I get the sneaky suspicion based on the way the IG has been locked out of his office that there is more information to come?

Oh yeah. Because in TrumpWorld, if it looks bad, it is bad. That's why.


Tom Shefchik said...

Disregard everything that comes out of the mouths of the incompetent Impeached president and his allies. They lie like you and I breathe. They cannot help themselves, it's who they are. Immoral and unethical liars.

Vixen Strangely said...

I don't even think they bother to lie very well anymore. They just go through the notions. Sad!

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