Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Few Bad Apples?

National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien really just said, in a tone as bland as a white-bread sandwich made with Karen's potato salad, that there is no systemic racism, just "a few bad apples". You know, we have most certainly heard the phrase "a few bad apples" used before in a different but similar context, and it was every bit as bullshit then, as it most certainly is now. We aren't seeing these protests year after year in dozens of cities across this country over "a few bad apples". This country has a deep and historical problem.

The reaction of law enforcement to the protests in many cases belies what this man is saying. Why are reporters, for example, being targeted? If it were a case of bad actors within a largely good organization, wouldn't there be less of a strenuous defense for the officers involved? Wouldn't the justice system act more swiftly to try to contain damage and protect citizens? Wouldn't there be a relief to see bad policing corrected?

But in any event, the actual saying was "One bad apple ruins the bunch." People really do need to find a new phrase.

UPDATE: In fairness, it doesn't have to be this way.

1 comment:

Al said...

Where are the"good cops?"

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