Sunday, January 19, 2020

Stay Bull Jean Yuss 5: He Isn't, Though

So, the President was just Tweeting about this book, right here, available on Amazon and just about wherever many fine books are sold, and it reminded me that I did four posts last year about Trump being a stable genius by his very own reckoning. Because if you are explaining, you are losing, and apparently, Trump has had to explain that he's a very stable genius more than once.

You know, and I know, that just like Wile E. Coyote is a Supergenius, Donald J. Trump is a stable genius.  It's a pretense, an act, a reality show persona.  Trump's appearance of competency comes at a high price. That price has, so far, been damage to our European alliances, our diplomatic successes in the Middle East, our credibility, our readiness to face the future technologically, and support for labor, especially the working poor by elevating wages and shoring up the social safety net. Trump is a silver spoon dumbfuck who earned a degree by having a rich daddy and went out of his way to hide his school records.

Let's get really frank about this--are we ready to admit the guy is a fucking moron?  That he doesn't seem to be a guy who in the US has access to maps and like, such as. (I am going to be really not the worst and show some kindness to Miss South Carolina who made the colossal meme this comes from and just iterate that there is a difference between what I expect from a beauty pageant contestant who was basically a kid and a US president in basic geographic competency, anyway, and I mean her no slight at all. Except as an example that in the US, we just aren't outward looking and our education often shows it. There is a rumor that war teaches us geography. Except that even doesn't, really.)

Trump reacts to things people say about him. He reacted to being told information he didn't agree with by military experts by projecting--"babies and dopes" is how he was made to feel.  Like a baby and a dope. But instead of just taking in new information like a reasonable person, he got more closed-off.

So maybe it just so happens that Trump doesn't understand the significance of when the Germans attacked Pearl Bailey. (Yes, I am being facetious,)   Maybe his misunderstanding of his powers under  Article 2 of the Constitution come from not being able to read it, anymore than he can distinguish it from 2 Corinthians. And that this book isn't even the first to note it?  That talk of the 25th Amendment has flowed freely, and we are nearly used to the idea that there is something "different" about Donny?

He isn't a stable genius. He isn't stable or all that smart. He just convinced enough of the right people that he would pass for clever long enough to get their feet in the door.

But he is not a stable genius. He is not stable. He is not smart. His stupidity isn't even cute. It is acute, and worsening.

1 comment:

Tom Shefchik said...

I agree, the corrupt Russian-owned and operated fake president is a very staple jenius.

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