Wednesday, September 25, 2019

It is Time

It's not about the politics, it's about the abuse of office.

It's not about "accepting the results of 2016"--it's about holding the President of the United States to account.

It's not about Vice-President Biden; it's about the way Trump uses his office to benefit himself and punish perceived enemies, whether for his 2020 campaign, or any other reason.

It's not down to the Mueller Report (which never did exonerate Trump, but did establish many Russian contacts and ten instances of obstruction), it doesn't come down to a transcript of one dumb phone call, or an edited whistleblower report. It won't hang on some long-awaited testimony from one or two associates. It is about a pattern of behavior.

It's not about 2020 elections, although we need assurances that those elections are fair and lawful.

There is a big picture here; a man ran for high office, gave an oath to defend the Constitution, and then demonstrated a lack of respect for the law. He instructed other people around him to show the same disrespect. There is an argument that this impeachment process will somehow "damage the presidency"--it is far ore damaged by the abuse of power of a person unfit for that office. There is a far greater damage to the rule of law if laws are not enforced.

He is not above the law. It is time.

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