Saturday, December 9, 2017

There Wasn't a Goddamn War on Xmas, Until NOW!

Finally as in all the Presidents before Trump, too? Honest to Goodness, I just can't--

Barack Obama was saying "Merry Christmas" all the time. He was. There was never a War on Christmas. Atheists even like Christmas--family and presents and eating too many cookies is nice! There were only ever people who kind of thought maybe people who don't celebrate Christmas should also be acknowledged because of a thing called "not being an asshole". We have radio stations and retail store Musak that start Christmas carols in November. Dollar stores start carrying Christmas ornaments and wrapping paper in October. And then Fox News has to be like some reverse Suess character: "The Grinch that Shoved Christmas Down Everyone's Throat in a Bizarre Culture War Narrative that Truly Stupid People Pretended was a Real Thing."

I'm seriously loading catapults with flaming figgy pudding. EAT XMAS CHEER! JINGLE THIS!

Actually, I'm not that exercised about this, but why is it a thing?

EDIT: No, no, I truly get that it's a conversation about who is a Real Christian (TM) and who is not. I just don't see why it's treated as realer than caribou aeronautics when surely, everyone must get the joke by now. Why not just get all point blank Iowa's Steve King about it and say diversity makes the Baby Jesus cry?

1 comment:

Harry Hamid said...

Damn. Does this mean that for the first time in 9 years, I have to buy my loved ones gifts again this year? And here I thought that the Dems had put a stake through the heart of this nonsense once and for all. Hadn't been hearing about Christmas lately.

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