Monday, April 17, 2017

The White House Does Easter

It's not that Trump forgets to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem until his spouse gives him a helpful nudge, or even the fact that the 139th annual Easter Egg roll was sparsely attended, and KellyAnn Conway implied it was a practically a favor to the country that Trump bothered to have it at all. Oh, jeepers, no! It isn't even that Trump threw autographed hats into a crowd that the bearer had meant to keep*.

It's that this sort of thing is supposed to be the easy, normal stuff--and just isn't. Pulling off an Easter Egg Roll party is a Celebrity Apprentice task. De-escalating a potential nuclear conflict in the Pacific rim, that's the hard stuff. This is why some of us worry--not to be snarky. But because this awkwardness is easier to talk about than the real fears we have.

UPDATE: In the interest of being scrupulously fair, from another angle, it appears the kid dropped back and Trump threw the hat to him. I wish I could find other angles from which Trump appears to be doing the right things.

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