Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Trump Brand Means "Class"!

When Trump pretends that he thinks the statement is just "terrible"--I'm not actually buying it. That thudding sound you hear is the lowering of the discourse.

As an editorial note, I'm more alarmed at the waterboarding boosterism than the word "pussy".

1 comment:

StringOnAStick said...

it hasn't even been 100 years, and yet here we have a candidate for president giving the big thumbs up to practices that we executed POW's for as war crimes. And worst of all, adoring crowds cheering him on for it.

Regarding Trump's Third Term

  That man's brains are going to be banana pudding with no vanilla wafers by then, but ok. https://t.co/XzTnGe2lts — Vixen Strangely (@...