Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Schlong too Far?

Gosh, it seems like we're always waiting on the one thing that Donald Trump will say that will simply founder his campaign, and it simply hasn't happened. So, consider my jaw in no danger of contact with the floor when the candidate resorts to puerile misogyny in referring to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's using a restroom (as folks do) as "disgusting" and saying she was "schlonged" by Obama in 2008.

It's not new for Trump to say things that are shocking. Even the misogyny isn't shocking (yet) because he's already suggested that Fox anchor Megyn Kelly was menstruating when she gave him a line of questioning he did not like (and then pretended only pervs would have thought that was what he meant) and went off at a lawyer who wanted to take a breast-pumping break. A little bit of a germophobe, maybe he considers the human body in general, and not just female bodies, kind of gross. But the way he says it--what she was doing in there was disgusting"?  Everyone knows that "Everyone Poops".  World leaders do, too (Hitler, one could mention, had chronic constipation and terrible gas).

But really? Fox News personality Andrea Tantaros (who, like Clinton, also uses ladies' rooms and presumably sits down to pee--and full disclosure, your author does as well) has already decided that this particular attack from Trump is "masterful". Presumably in a purely political way, and not in a "pee-shame me again, Big Daddy" kind of way.

I think the argument over whether Trump is threatened by Hillary Clinton is more interesting. He doesn't seem to have a good answer to whether his words have been inflammatory and probably good propaganda for Daesh, so he sputters that they aren't distributing videos of him.

And one might well respond, well, pish-tosh. MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and FOX have uploaded to YouTube and on their own respective sites hours of Trump saying dumb inflammatory stuff that anyone with an internet connection can look at and judge for themselves.

For what it's worth, even if you couldn't prove he was directly stirring up Daesh, we've got some colorful proof he's stirring up the homebrewed horrorshows

Maybe Clinton has him pegged?


Shirt said...

If I were HRC I'd take a bio break even during press conferences and mention the idiotic shortage of women's bathrooms at most major facilities.

Vixen Strangely said...

I think most women have had some experience of a wait--and in some older buildings, ladies' facility are usually inconveniently placed. What surprises me is, actually, that the campaigns in signing off on debate venues didn't ensure each candidate had access to appropriate facilities. But barring that, comments regarding her restroom dilemma don't seem to have been helpful. Rand Paul pointed out that Carly Fiorina never has trouble getting back from the loo--yeah well and? Since when are all bodies the same? And since when is whatever one has to do in there other people's business? As a euphemism, we sometimes call them "the accommodations"--they ought to be more accommodating for more of us! Potty Parity is a real issue.

Remarkable! Or, The Perpetual Trump Gluteal Osculation Machine

  Sean Duffy, a reality TV star, Fox News guy, former US Congressman, now Department of Transportation guy, said Trump's leadership has ...