Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Paul Ryan to Run for Designated Adult

Rep. Paul Ryan, WI-R and former VP candidate, says he's willing to try being designated adult, but once he's behind the wheel if any of you kids in the backseat act up so help him you will not want him to go back there...

Those Freedom Caucus types love to be talked to that way. Maybe he should take them for an ice cream?

1 comment:

Yastreblyansky said...

Maybe he should take them for an ice cream?

"But if I don't see that debt ceiling raised in about ten minutes you guys are so grounded you'll never see your friends again." Sounds appropriate to the situation anyway,

TWGB: Cold Courtrooms and Old Farts

  You are supposed to pity Trump at this point, the miserable wretch that he is, made to sit by his enemies in a freezing cold courtroom mor...