Thursday, September 3, 2015

Trump has Taken the Pledge

Billionaire real estate mogul and erstwhile reality tv star Donald Trump had signed a pledge to assure the RNC that he means business, that he won't make a third party run, and that he's on board to endorse the nominee of the party, even if it isn't himself.

Now, he did sign the wrong date on it. It might be that his fingers were crossed. He could have had a lucky coin in his shoe that he only uses in case of extenuating honesty-circumvention circumstances. But let's argue, for now, that he is as tied to the GOP as a very handfasted thing.  Although Trump got nothing in return for this but party cred and an opportunity to get public support by the party for the current news cycle, he's also demonstrated that the RNC has to--to be fair--accept whatever he's got in mind for his campaign, now, because he signed their piece of paper. So whether it's telling people to speak English, like Jeb Bush, whose wife's native language was Spanish (I'm not really gifted at picking up languages myself; I understand Italian if spoken slowly and with very little idiomatic flair--which does not characterize the Calabrian dialect spoken by my family, but this made me want to totally speak Italian all the damn time) or his bodyguards punching Latino protestors, this is the deal.

There are no repercussions on Trump for defaulting at all. After all, this can go one of two ways--he wins the nomination and we have to accept now based on the polls that this is a real possibility, or, something "happens". We don't know what. But it will be the moment when Trump was not treated fairly, and you should understand by now how he treats people he thinks do not respect him.

I'm not saying Trump is anything but square with the RNC at the moment. I'm just wondering if they are completely understanding of the deal they have made, and how Trump has a certain "art" about it.

1 comment:

Formerly Amherst said...

Greetings, Vixen, as you know, along with George Washington, I disapprove of political parties. He believed that eventually people might have more loyalty to their parties than to the country. I think his fears have come to pass. The right and left are so polarized that politics have become a destructive force. (If you could see what it does to human astral bodies you would be appalled and want to find a way to inject harmony where now there is contention.)

This is one reason that I have some tentative hope for Donald Trump. He has only declared a political party out of necessity at a time when he loses nothing. Many have stated that really he's a Democrat. Conservatives has said that he does not wish to govern according to conservative principles. So in some ways he is a moderate.

As you know, he wants to put high tariffs on goods that are made overseas, particularly goods that are made by American multinational corporations overseas. He dislike the deals with China, Japan, Mexico, and others that are allowed to ship directly into our markets while having restrictions on Americans to sell in their markets. This is made in that other countries are allowed to leverage political influence through ownership of huge amounts of dollars in US bonds. We have to service that debt, which is trillions of dollars taken from our GDP solely to pay interest to countries who dominate our markets at no real cost.

Conservatives do not like putting tariffs on imports, because it will start a trade war and it conflicts with conservative economic theory.

Conservative economic theory tries to maintain completely free markets. If you and your relatives in Italy want to make a deal that uses money you have earned to lubricate their business, then conservatives would say that it is not the government's business to interfere with individuals who have freely entered into an arrangement in liberty provided by the US. Conservatives want the government out of people practicing free market economics.

However, a lot of people who appreciate the idea in theory have had to come to grips with the reality of outsourcing. Because multinationals can hire cheaper workers in other countries, frequently they do so, and millions of American workers in high tech and other industries have had their jobs outsourced to other countries. This happened with no protection from the US to guard American citizens who are being productive, paying taxes, and contributing to the welfare of the United States.

In other words, conservative theory is in this case helping to weaken the United States, shatter lives of American workers who are part of the productive class, and give no thought or loyalty to people whose families have fought in the wars, built the infrastructure, and served in the institutions. And get up again every day ready to do their part working their jobs.

Now Donald wants tariffs to force American companies to come back and hire American workers. He wants to stop them from manipulating currencies for advantage over us, and he wants foreign bond holders to lose the ability to receive revenue selling their products when they restrict US goods in their own countries.

If you recognize a certain sensibility that sounds like labor unions, you would not be far off. We desperately need a president who wants to serve and protect American citizens, and this has been part of Trump's themes. It's why you see conservative intellectuals fighting him when the naive do not see beyond strong talk and a willingness to put America and American citizens first.

I have no idea whether he will wind up being the GOP candidate, but intelligent Democrats (and he has a lot of Democratic support) would do well to see beyond forceful rhetoric. Our ruling class in Washington, both parties, do not care about the US, about citizenship, or about sovereignty. They don't care about sound money or the glue that establishes and holds a civilization together.. Trump is a different cup of tea, and only the future will tell us the outcome.

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