Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Trump Will Restore our National Brand!

If there is one major problem that afflicts the American psyche today, it's the problem of our branding. What have we got: a flag? Bald eagles? Well, listen up kids--if it was up to Donald Trump, you can bet the house on one thing, and it's that your new American eagle will not be bald.

This is a guy who is going to build a wall across the Mexican border and stick Mexico with the bill. The greatest wall, because he is a very excellent builder (no, this is pretty much sticking with his thoughts). Think that one over. Because that kind of policy is Trump at his most serious.

P.J. O'Rourke strikes about the right pessimistic note here. Trump isn't the "fix" for the Ugly American brand--he's the mascot. He's the end-product of a politics so dumbed- down that name recognition and money can buy credibility. The "Derp Bench", as I've been thinking of the pile-on of 2016 contenders on the right, looks like a turtle race where anyone with the scratch can paint a number on a turtle and throw it in. The race on the left is more substantive, but I have a pessimism that Hillary Clinton has sewn it up before the shouting on the basis of name and money when the debate of where we are on the left and what we stand for probably does need to be, I think, perpetually re-sorted.  I don't like proceeding from a sense of foregoneness.

But I do thing we need to step back a minute to take it in. Donald the F'g Trump has entered the race--I mean except for the paperwork, but he has guys for that. Can you imagine one big hotel-casino from sea to shining sea? (Need I point out that in such a world, only whales get comped?)

UPDATE: I had wondered about this--Trump used "Rocking in A Free World" as his entrance music. Neil Young is NOT a Trump kind of guy. But if you listen to the lyrics, it is bewildering why Trump would have that be the song. It's sort of like Reagan and "Born in the USA", right?

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Well, listen up kids--if it was up to Donald Trump, you can bet the house on one thing, and it's that your new American eagle will not be bald.

WNYC had a "propose a campaign slogan" game, the best result being "We Shall Overcomb".

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